Sunday, November 30, 2008

So Um, What's This All About?

Okay, so I started this blog about my Etsy shop a while back before I sat down and thought "so um, what's this all about anyway?" No one really wants to hear about how many pairs of earrings I made today, how it took me 2 hours to list one measly ring (really, it did). I didn't want to make it too personal, 'cause heaven KNOWS I complain about things way too much. I want to make it readable, useful, and fun.

So here are some ideas:

*Recipes: I'm on a gluten-free diet thanks to Celiac Disease, and I want to share with you some of the awesome recipes I've tried to show you how easy it is to cook from scratch (and to show you how awesome I am!)

*Great Etsy Finds: I don't just sell on Etsy, I trade (and sometimes talk hubby into buying) on Etsy. And a lot of times, I get stuff that REALLY excites me. I need to share it with all of you.

*How-Tos: Okay, I'm still not too sure about this yet. I'm not much of a tutorial person. Plus, I don't have anyone to film me. But if I can get it going, we'll see.

*Featured Seller: This is 'cause I love a lot of my fellow Etsians, I want to help them in their endeavours as well. I'm not just talking my little widget off to the side (which has been the same seller for uh, a month +), I'll do a little interview thing and post some of my favorite items.

*Giveaways!: 'Cause who doesn't like FREE STUFF?

So starting tomorrow (since I'm sick as a dog, tired, and a little brain-fried) I will be trying to blog a few times a week about the stuff that keeps me on Etsy.

Got anything you want to see? Leave me a comment and I'll do what I can to make it happen.

Thanks for reading!