Friday, August 29, 2008

New In The Shop: Magnets!

I've been wondering what else I could put in my shop besides my jewelry. I have a host of other hobbies, but none seemed good enough to try and put in my shop, except for these--tile magnets.

Thanks to trip to Lowe's, a little alcohol (ink, that is), some Future Floor Wax, I can now help you decorate your fridge as well as your neck and ears!

How can you forget your child's permission slip is on the fridge when it's being held up by a colorful piece of artwork!

Magnets will sell for $2.50/each for now, until I can find the uber-strong rare earth magnets that can practically hold your phone book on your fridge. These will make great neighbor gifts!

The holidays will be upon us all too fast, so start your shopping now to keep me from having to go to the post office every hour to mail packages off!!

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